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作者 : 单机游戏库 发布时间: 2020-01-20

1 站内所有文件均为网络共享资源,我们仅做打包整理。仅用于学习交流,严禁用做商业用途,否则自行承担后果。
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1.此仅供爱好者测试及研究之用,版权归发行公司所有。任何组织或个人不得传播或用于任何商业用途,否则一切后果由该组织及个人承担! 我方将不承担任何法律及连带责任。


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This is only suitable for testing

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User agreement:

Please do not run and use it before reading and accepting all the terms of this license agreement. Only when the user agrees to the license terms will he have the right to use the test. Using this test means that the user accepts the license terms.

1. This is for testing and research purposes only, and the copyright belongs to the issuing company. No organization or individual may disseminate or use it for any commercial purposes, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the organization and individual! Our company will not bear any legal and joint liability.
2. No responsibility is assumed for any adverse effects caused by using this software.
3. Please consciously delete it within 24 hours after downloading. If you like this game, please buy the genuine one and authorize it for legal use.

Please read this description carefully before using the software. Once you start running and using it, you will agree to all the contents of the statement by default, and will not be responsible for any adverse effects!

1.本文部分内容转载自其它媒体,但并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。 2.若您需要商业运营或用于其他商业活动,请您购买正版授权并合法使用。 3.如果本站有侵犯、不妥之处的资源,请在网站最下方联系我们。将会第一时间解决! 4.本站所有内容均由互联网收集整理、网友上传,仅供大家参考、学习,不存在任何商业目的与商业用途。 5.本站提供的所有资源仅供参考学习使用,版权归原著所有,禁止下载本站资源参与商业和非法行为,请在24小时之内自行删除! 我爱单机游戏库 » 【修改器】支持大部分游戏 电脑必备运行库 全DLC
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